Frequently Asked Questions.

Yes you can track your parcel. When your order is despatched you will receive an email with the Royal Mail Tracking reference so you can track it. Please check your junk mail box as sometimes our emails will end up in there. If you have not received the email then please either call us on 01548 831070 or email and we can help.

We ask for your contact details so if there is a query or problem with your order we can contact you easily. Also you will be sent tracking details when your order has been sent.

No, the prices will not be included with the order. Because most of our cuddlies are being sent as gifts, we do not send the invoice with the parcel. Remember to say who it is from when you write your message for the message medal!

Please call us on 01548 831070 as soon as possible – if we have not sent your parcel then we can change or cancel it for you.

As long as we have not already sent your order we can add something – please call 01548 831070 as we do not store your card details so we would need to take the extra payment.

We are sorry but at the moment we do not ship overseas except for Ireland.

Yes they do include VAT and our VAT number is 929660000

Yes of course – just call us on 01548 831070